Pride Mistaken Lyrics Coasters

A rainbow would be boring without every hue. Celebrate your true colors. Wave your flag and sing it out, loud and proud!

Lyrics are laser engraved on 4" cork squares. This pride-themed set includes the following:

lovin’ would be easy
if your colors
were like my dreams
red bull ice cream
red bull ice cream
- karma chameleon

i’m hairy woman
it’s all in me
- i'm every woman

if i could turn back time
if i could find l.a.
- if i could turn back time

cruisin’ in vermont-ah-ah-ah
- groove is in the heart

i’m calling mom
want the world to know
got to let it show
- i'm coming out

but then i spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
and i grew strong
and i learned how to get it on
- i will survive