Meet Sam!

June 24, 2021 2 min read

Meet Sam!

In our third entry of our "Employee Spotlight" series, we'll interview long-time Make ATX/Bright Beam Goods employee Sam, and learn more about her amazing personal work and brand Mixed Hues!


Bright Beam Goods employee Sam

Sam in front of her mural "How Heavy is Your Heart", photographed by Jay Ybarra


Can you describe your role at MakeATX/ Bright Beam Goods? How long have you been with the company?

I’ve been with MakeATX for 3 1/2 years. I'm a production and custom-cutting manager.

What does an average work day (or shift) look like for you?
Most of my days find me working on production for Bright Beam Goods. The other part of my day I'm answering custom cutting inquiries, cutting custom cutting projects and making sure our inventory is well-stocked.

What is your favorite Bright Beam product and why?
I don't have one. We get to make so many awesome things, it's difficult to choose.

How have you used laser cutting in your own personal work or side hustle?

Before I began working at Make, I used to be a custom cutting client. I use the lasers to create a variety of art for my brand, Mixed Hues. I use it for earrings, ornaments, mixed media pieces, lapel pins and my displays.

Laser-cut pins created by Sam for her brand Mixed Hues

We’d love to plug your own personal work/business! Where can we find more of your work?

My art is my full-time work. Art has been a part of my life since I could write. I work under the name Mixed Hues. I'm an illustrator, muralist, 3D artist and mentor. 

Initially, I created Mixed Hues to fill a genuine need of seeing more representation of Black people in two communities I'm passionate about: art and roller derby. Since retiring from roller derby, Mixed Hues has branched out into so much more. It encompasses all of my passions where I get to create the world I want to see. You can find my work at, and on Instagram @Mixed_Hues.

Work by Mixed Hues
Painting and illustration by Sam of Mixed Hues.

It’s been a long year. What are some newly-discovered things (podcasts, albums, hobbies, habits etc.) that have helped get you though?

Not newly discovered, but I'm an avid gardener. Over the past year my garden grew in size and diversity. I had more time to dedicate to trying out more time-intensive plants and produce. I started birding as a new hobby. It just became an extension of my existing garden. I began planting flowers and foliage that brought more birds and pollinators.

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