Meet Miranda!

June 16, 2021 3 min read

Meet Miranda!


Welcome back to our "Employee Spotlight" series! This week we are featuring Bright Beam Goods team member Miranda to learn more about her role at the company and her laser-created personal projects!


Miranda Cohen at the Make ATX/Bright Beam Goods studio

Miranda at the MakeATX/Bright Beam Goods studio


Can you describe your role at MakeATX/ Bright Beam Goods? How long have you been with the company?

I’ve been working at MakeATX/Bright Beam Goods since 2019. I began as a Wholesale Assistant, assisting the Wholesale Czar in packing up and mailing out Bright Beam Goods orders. When our last Wholesale Czar left us (we miss you Milinda!) I moved into her role, which involved being the primary point of contact for wholesale and retail customers, and scheduling orders. Last month (May 2021), I transitioned into the dual position of Wholesale and Social Media Czar. I still do some wholesale duties, such as scheduling orders and responding to emails and inquiries, and I also create and post content to our social media. I also write and maintain this blog!
Throughout my time working at the company, I’ve also had the chance to design quite a few products for the Bright Beam Goods line, including all of the Animal and Solar System Spinning Top Kits and several Creature Kits! I love that growing the line is a collaborative effort, and that new ideas for designs and products are welcomed!

Bright Beam Goods Products designed by Miranda Cohen
Bright Beam Goods products designed by Miranda. Clockwise from top left: Scarlett the Mermaid Creature Kit, Flora the Fairy Creature Kit, Animal Spinning Top Kits

What does an average work day (or shift) look like for you?
I usually start by checking the Bright Beam Goods inbox and responding to any orders or questions that have come through. Then I transition to making content for our social media, whether that be taking pictures of our products, making GIFs or illustrations, or writing up blog posts. 

What is your favorite Bright Beam product and why?
I love the Rainbow and Earth Pentomino puzzles because they’re such eye candy, and fun to try and put together. "Try" is the operative word because I've never actually solved one!

Rainbow and Earth Square Pentomino Puzzles
 Rainbow and Earth Square Pentomino puzzles

How have you used laser cutting in your own personal work or side hustle?
I have a line of laser-cut jewelry and pins that I sell on Etsy. The line is made up largely of Jewish jewelry inspired by classical Jewish symbols and iconography, that I cut in colorful and modern looking materials. It began because I wanted to make a couple pieces for myself, and then I realized that it was a good niche to get into! I also make laser-cut pins. 

We’d love to plug your own personal work/business! Where can we find more of your work?

On my Instagram @MirandaCohenMakes, I post my design, illustration and paper-mache work! 

It’s been a long year. What are some newly-discovered things (podcasts, albums, hobbies, habits etc.) that have helped get you though?

I’ve been listening to a lot of audiobooks through the Hoopla app. If you have an Austin Public Library Card, you can listen to 6 or so audiobooks a month through Hoopla for free. I think other city libraries have similar models. I’ve been listening to a lot of Agatha Christie mysteries which has been really fun! 


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